Design Load Bracing

Many factors contribute to the loads that affect the capacity requirements of your mezzanine. It is important to take these loads into consideration when approaching the mezzanine design.

Dead loads (anything permanent on the mezzanine, walls built on top, B-Deck and overlay, etc.) as well as live loads (racking on top of the mezzanine, pallet jacks, people standing and walking, etc.) needs to be taken into consideration when designing the mezzanine structure.

The decking or flooring of a mezzanine will vary by application but is generally composed of B-Deck underlayment and wood product finished floor, concrete or a heavy-duty steel grating. When designing a structural steel mezzanine, it is important to consider the application, as well as the equipment that will be used on top of the mezzanine. If pallet jacks are being used for example, a resin board overlay is ideal for a smooth rolling load.

Live loads are separated in two different categories: Uniformly Distributed Loads (UDL) and Point Loads. Refer to the drawings below for more information.

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Exceptional Quality & Customer Care

From your request for quote to final installation, our goal at Cogan is to make working together so seamless, it’s effortless. Our engineers are among the finest in the business, while our experienced staff and extensive network of design consultants and authorized installers are committed to keeping you satisfied by providing the smartest, most cost-effective solutions to your specific needs.

No other team can deliver a higher level of service or support than Cogan. Our 100 years of experience mean we know what it takes to think, build and design for the long term. Family-owned and operated for four generations, customer satisfaction is more than just our goal, it’s our tradition - a tradition we’ve maintained for over a century.

Learn more


Please download our mezzanines specifications document.
Mezzanine specification document

Installation Manuals

Click buttons below to view the installation manuals * represents the installation manual for the current section.
Mezzanines Braces Reference Guide
Staircases & Ladders
Safety Pivot Gates
Self Closing Gates
Mezzanine General Structure
Flooring - Open Bar Grating *
Flooring - Open Steel Planking *
Flooring - Steel Decking and Resin Board *
Flooring - Concrete *
Flooring - Diamond Planking *
Installation Tips


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